
I find it hard to explain just how incredible this photoshoot was and how incredible this woman is… So I am going to let Fran speak on this one x

“My body is something I don't love for all kinds of reasons, and contrary to most people's assumptions my weight has nothing to do with it. More than anything, this body has kind of failed me. It's been far too unreliable, I'm covered in scars from countless surgeries and accidents caused by my disability, and because of it's total inability to do the bare minimum that bodies are supposed to (ie doing what your brain tells it to do, when it tells it to do it) I have struggled pretty hard to look at myself this exposed with anything but disdain until I saw this photo, out here in the wilderness looking like the fat birth of venus.

It's absolutely not the kind of body that I wanted - I would have much preferred one that starts first try each time you turn the key - but it's the one I've got, and being able to look objectively at a photo like this and think it's pretty fucking spectacular is the first step towards being a bit less unkind to this big ol' meatsuit I reckon” - Fran.

I will add, that a photo from this series was the first ever I had published in Photo Vogue, and it is still one of my all time favourite shoots I’ve ever done. Because this is what I want to do. Helping people be a little bit kinder to themselevs- This is what makes the world a little bit better x



