
I absolutely LOVE doing maternity shoots like this. The light, the water, the bump, the clothing… it was one of those days where everything just came together perfectly. We were having the most serene photoshoot, Aimee floating in the water like a Ophelia-esque goddess when all of a sudden our peace was disturbed. We noticed small biting sensations coming from the water, and shortly later we worked out that there were indeed loads of little sea lice munching away at our extremities. Aimee, bless her soul, though, was committed to the shot, and my god I’m so glad we persevered. What’s a few little sea lice bites when you end up with shots like this!? Aimee also submitted her images into the Bump & Me maternity photography competition and ended up winning a big prize with a full page spread in the mag! Worth every sea lice bite I reckon… I have loved watching her little human grow on social media since then and I’m so happy she will always have these photos to treasure forever. x



